The Home of Size Charts: Clothing, Shoes, Accessories, Interior and Sports Size Charts
The International Size Reference Guide

Maternity Clothing Size

Determine you maternity size
Every women want to wear comfortable clothing during pregnancy. At the same time, you want to feel safe. By wearing so called "maternity clothing", you will feel great (at least as great ass possible) and safe during this exciting time :)

But what maternity size do you need? Finding your perfect maternity clothing size is quite perfect. Choose your preferred region below, and let us help you...

US Maternity Size

US Maternity Size

UK Maternity Size

Determine UK Maternity Size
Congratulations! Let us help you find you perfect UK maternity size. Used in England, Scotland, Wales, Ireland.

European Maternity Size

Find youyr European skirt size with our EU skirt size chart
Pregnant? Really?! :) Let's go find your European Maternity Size. Used in several countries in mainland Europe and Scandinavia.


Note: All our size charts are guidelines.

Sizes may vary with brands, models and manufacturers. Due to this fact, we can not guarantee that our size charts always will show the right sizes.

You are welcome to link to our size charts from your blog/website/webshop. Store owners may also refer to our size charts in their store(s). Thanks a bunch!

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MG // Martin Granum

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